Monday, December 8, 2008

WAR on TERROR? (updated)

For past few months, I have been concentrating on articles and news items on "War on Terror" and "Terrorism"...

Terrorism - I feel, this word is used politically by those in "Authority" against those "who oppose them". The way the Imperial goverments have framed/shaped the "world view" greatly assisted by large portion of propaganda taken forward by media. Repeated well "worded propaganda" has already done its job very well tilting the "Mass opinion" towards those machineries.

There are very few meek voices heard against such oppressors in trying to bring about the TRUTH.Even "world bodies" which supposed to be NEUTRAL and ARBITRATOR almost ALWAYS REMAIN a MUTE spectator. Why?. What could be the reason?. Why UN doesn't actually intervene and contempt such heinous acts?.Is it that UN doesn't have any power to intervene when inhuman acts of mass killings and genocide happening. who stop them from intervening?. Is there any other world body that exists on earth or Universe which could do so?.

As a normal citizen of sovereign country, I may now feel SAFE, but what if the same starts happening to me and my fellow country men?. I try my best to see the "politics" behind all this atrocities, the motives of each parties involved in conflict.

In a broder perspective, Why would one man have to or Need to kill another?. or one faction of people have to go against other faction of people, like that happened in Gujarat ( I here mean, both hindus and muslims), Bosnia, Iraq, Iran, palestine and Isreal. Not least the current heated conflict happening in Lanka.

pictures speak more than words, Following are some of the footages I happened to see in youtube, for your view.

  • "The Killing Zone"

more videos will be uploaded later

Sunday, December 7, 2008

WAR (on Terror ??? ), patriotism and politics

I think following quote would fit to current situations in India, Pak and Srilanka...

The idea of whipping up patriotic passion when in dire straits is not new: it is as old as the hills, and certainly as old as Rome, as told by Julius Caesar himself :

"Beware of the leader," said Caesar, "who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry who, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How will I know? For this I have done. And I am Julius Caesar."

Srilankan situation exactly fits here, recently Srilankan governement has come out to public for donation to support soldiers in war front.

Indian Govt and people of Tamilnadu collected materials for all IDPs in Vanni region (war zone).Likewise, In srilanka, people are asked to donate money and all essentials to be sent to srilankan army warring against LTTE.

Readers may understand that prevailing Economical turmoil around the world has taken most of the countries on the brink of bankruptcy and srilanka also one among them struggling to manage their finances well to run the country. In recent budget,177 billion has been taken out of corpus just to fight against LTTEs (5000 in number according to srilankan govt). Most of the money comes to them as AID, even recently received humanitarian aids not really been used for any humanitarian activities/developments. Few days back, EU has announced additional 2 billion to be used in vanni region for IDPs. But thankfully all these money being used to buy WMD.

Even Indian government has loaned srilanka some amount which was used to buy weapens and ships from pakistan. Role played by India in Srilankan conflict is very significant from 1970s onwards, but nothing is noteworthy. It is not only India but entire International community to be blamed in most cases.

Coming back to India, recent Mumbai attack even though has lot of questions to be answered, has exposed politicians to the angry masses of India. Now, our PM and EM started talking tough against pakistan even not ruling out military options against perpetrators.

Indian's would not have forgotten Kargil war, the kind of patriotism it fuelled into every Indians mind. No common man would understand, even if he understands, he won't be able to speak his mind out loud and clear against these political classes, because anybody who speaks against WAR and sovereignty, of course must be a traitor and not a patriotic. In whatever way and means this WAR has been put on us.

In srilanka, one of the MPs of UNP exposes the casualities of Srilankan army in recent war. other MP of UNP has to make a statement in parliament in favour of war considering upcoming elections (mahintha mulling over early elections, likely to be announced on Dec 8 2008).

Jingoism is a key word here, which is used extensively by all political classes to deceive and/or escape the wrath of people.

We common man as always fall prey to these hawkish politicians. who is going to save us from their clutches?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Opinion : Mumbai Terror

Here I found an Article voicing differently from MEDIAs that so far have been harping on MUMBAI TERROR attack, promoting the interests of theirs than what is actually expected of them as a media's responsibility.

I happened to read this article from http: // , Here I am posting this article just to air a different perspective of what media did and could have played well.

Like politicians, almost everybody in power house have their own agenda to pursue, even media proves they reap maximum out of the coverage. Past 10 days, I have been following Newspapers, Articles and News channels on this coverage. most of the news channels try to put theirs words into someone's mouth and then make an issue of it.

Yesterday, I was watching "TIMES NOW", Goswami looked frustrated in a heated debate where a journalist (aamir from london) and Former Internal (?) Ministor of pakistan and G.parthasarathy (former High commissioner of pakistan) participated. He was very much frsutrated on hearing certain comments from Former minister and Aamir, It looked to me the reason for his frustruation as Goswami was trying to put some words into their mouth,which they refused to take.

In current situation, Everybody wants India to go for a WAR with Pakistan,which obviously should be a last resort in handling conflicts between two nations. Media is fueling and fanning hatred against politians (a necessary EVIL in any democracy] and trying to raise their TRP ratings.

P.S : I really hate watching TAMIL NEWS channels. Horrible... (sometimes I do watch them , as a subject of my research).

Hotel Taj : icon of whose India ?
Gnani Sankaran- writer, Chennai

Watching at least four English news channels surfing from one anotherduring the last 60 hours of terror strike made me feel a terror ofanother kind. The terror of assaulting one's mind and sensitivity withcameras, sound bites and non-stop blabbers. All these channels havebeen trying to manufacture my consent for a big lie called - Hotel Tajthe icon of India.

Whose India, Whose Icon ?

It is a matter of great shame that these channels simply did notbother about the other icon that faced the first attack fromterrorists - the Chatrapathi Shivaji Terminus (CST) railway station.CST is the true icon of Mumbai. It is through this railway stationhundreds of Indians from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, West Bengaland Tamilnadu have poured into Mumbai over the years, transformingthemselves into Mumbaikars and built the Mumbai of today along withthe Marathis and Kolis.

But the channels would not recognise this. Nor would they recognisethe thirty odd dead bodies strewn all over the platform of CST. NoBarkha dutt went there to tell us who they were. But she was at Taj toshow us the damaged furniture and reception lobby braving the guards.And the TV cameras did not go to the government run JJ hospital tofind out who those 26 unidentified bodies were. Instead they wereagain invading the battered Taj to try in vain for a scoop shot of thedead bodies of the page 3 celebrities.

In all probability, the unidentified bodies could be those of workersfrom Bihar and Uttar Pradesh migrating to Mumbai, arriving by train atCST without cell phones and pan cards to identify them. Even after 60hours after the CST massacre, no channel has bothered to cover indetail what transpired there.

The channels conveniently failed to acknowledge that the Aam Aadmis ofIndia surviving in Mumbai were not affected by Taj, Oberoi and Tridentclosing down for a couple of weeks or months. What mattered to themwas the stoppage of BEST buses and suburban trains even for one hour.But the channels were not covering that aspect of the terror attack.Such information at best merited a scroll line, while the cameras haveto be dedicated for real time thriller unfolding at Taj or Narimanbhavan.

The so called justification for the hype the channels built aroundheritage site Taj falling down (CST is also a heritage site), is thatHotel Taj is where the rich and the powerful of India and the globecongregate. It is a symbol or icon of power of money and politics, notIndia. It is the icon of the financiers and swindlers of India. TheMumbai and India were built by the Aam Aadmis who passed through CSTand Taj was the oasis of peace and privacy for those who wielded powerover these mass of labouring classes. Leopold club and Taj were thehaunts of rich spoilt kids who would drive their vehicles oversleeping Aam Aadmis on the pavement, the Mafiosi of Mumbai foreverfinancing the glitterati of Bollywood (and also the terrorists) ,Political brokers and industrialists.

It is precisely because Taj is the icon of power and not people, thatthe terrorists chose to strike.

The terrorists have understood after several efforts that the AamAadmi will never break down even if you bomb her markets and trains.He/she was resilient because that is the only way he/she can even survive.

Resilience was another word that annoyed the pundits of news channelsand their patrons this time. What resilience, enough is enough, saidPranoy Roy's channel on the left side of the channel spectrum. Samesentiments were echoed by Arnab Goswami representing the right wing ofthe broadcast media whose time is now. Can Rajdeep be far behind inthis game of one upmanship over TRPs ? They all attacked resiliencethis time. They wanted firm action from the government in tackling terror.

The same channels celebrated resilience when bombs went off in trainsand markets killing and maiming the Aam Aadmis. The resilience of theordinary worker suited the rich business class of Mumbai since work ormanufacture or film shooting did not stop. When it came to them, therich shamelessly exhibited their lack of nerves and refused to beresilient themselves. They cry for government intervention now toprotect their private spas and swimming pools and bars andrestaurants, similar to the way in which Citibank, General Motors andthe ilk cry for government money when their coffers are emptied bytheir own ideologies.

The terrorists have learnt that the ordinary Indian is unperturbed byterror. For one whose daily existence itself is a terror of governmentsponsored inflation and market sponsored exclusion, pain is somethinghe has learnt to live with. The rich of Mumbai and India Inc arefacing the pain for the first time and learning about it just as themiddle classes of India learnt about violation of human rights onlyduring emergency, a cool 28 years after independence.

And human rights were another favourite issue for the channels to whipat times of terrorism.

Arnab Goswami in an animated voice wondered where were thosechampions of human rights now, not to be seen applauding the brave andselfless police officers who gave up their life in fighting terorism.Well, the counter question would be where were you when such officerswere violating the human rights of Aam Aadmis. Has there ever been any24 hour non stop coverage of violence against dalits and adivasis ofthis country?

This definitely was not the time to manufacture consent for the extralegal and third degree methods of interrogation of police and army butArnabs don't miss a single opportunity to serve their class masters,this time the jingoistic patriotism came in handy to whitewash theentire uniformed services.

The sacrifice of the commandos or the police officers who went downdying at the hands of ruthless terrorists is no doubt heart rendingbut in vain in a situation which needed not just bran but also brain.Israel has a point when it says the operations were misplannedresulting in the death of its nationals here.

Khakares and Salaskars would not be dead if they did not commit themistake of traveling by the same vehicle. It is a basic lesson inmanagement that the top brass should never t ravel together in crisis.The terrorists, if only they had watched the channels, would havelaughed their hearts out when the Chief of the Marine commandos, anelite force, masking his face so unprofessionally in a see-throughcloth, told the media that the commandos had no idea about thestructure of the Hotel Taj which they were trying to liberate. But theterrorists knew the place thoroughly, he acknowledged.

Is it so difficult to obtain a ground plan of Hotel Taj and discussoperation strategy thoroughly for at least one hour before entering?This is something even an event manager would first ask for, if he hadto fix 25 audio systems and 50 CCtvs for a cultural event in a hotel.Would not Ratan Tata have provided a plan of his ancestral hotel tothe commandos within one hour considering the mighty apparatus at hisand government's disposal? Are satelite pictures only available forterrorists and not the government agencies ? In an operation known toconsume time, one more hour for preparation would have only improvedthe efficiency of execution.

Sacrifices become doubly tragic in unprofessional circumstances. Butthe Aam Aadmis always believe that terror-shooters do better planningthan terrorists. And the gullible media in a jingoistic mood would notraise any question about any of these issues.

They after all have their favourite whipping boy - the politician theeternal entertainer for the non-voting rich classes of India.

Arnabs and Rajdeeps would wax eloquent on Nanmohan Singh and Advanivisiting Mumbai separately and not together showing solidarity even atthis hour of national crisis. What a farce? Why can't these channelspool together all their camera crew and reporters at this time ofnational calamity and share the sound and visual bites which couldmean a wider and deeper coverage of events with such a huge humanresource to command? Why should Arnab and Rajdeep and Barkha keepharping every five minutes that this piece of information wasexclusive to their channel, at the time of such a national crisis? Isthis the time to promote the channel? If that is valid, the politicianpromoting his own political constituency is equally valid. And theduty of the politican is to do politics, his politics.

It is for thepeople to evaluate that politics.And terrorism is not above politics.

It is politics by other means.To come to grips with it and to eventually eliminate it, the practiceof politics by proper means needs constant fine tuning andimprovement. Decrying all politics and politicians, only helpsterrorists and dictators who are the two sides of the same coin. Andthe rich and powerful always prefer terrorists and dictators to dobusiness with.

Those caught in this crossfire are always the Aam Aadmis whose deathsare not even mourned - the taxi driver who lost the entire family atCST firing, the numerous waiters and stewards who lost their livesworking in Taj for a monthly salary that would be one time bill fortheir masters.

Postscript 1: In a fit of anger and depression, I sent a message to allthe channels, 30 hours through the coverage. After all they have beenconstantly asking the viewers to message them for anything andeverything. My message read: I send this with lots of pain. Allchannels, including yours, must apologise for not covering the victimsof CST massacre, the real mumbaikars and aam aadmis of India. Yourobsession with five star elite is disgusting. Learn from the printmedia please. No channel bothered. Only srinivasan Jain replied: youare right. We are trying to redress balance today. Well, nothinghappened till the time of writing this 66 hours after the terrorattack.

Postscript 2: the only relief in the three day coverage was all the anchors and reporters did NOT say Islamic or muslim terrorists anymore though they knew that the terrorists were muslims sent from Pakistan. Must be thanks to Malegaon.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

World AIDs Day - Dec 1

World AIDS Day observed on every year on December 1st. WHO established 'World AIDS Day' in 1988.

Few Facts

  • Only in 1985, first antibody test was available.
  • June 2001, UN General assembly special session on HIV/AIDS convened.
  • 189 member countries of UN signed the declaration of commitment (june 2001) [16 yrs what did these countries do? ]
  • Globally, around 33 million people living with HIV/AIDS (2007)
  • Annual number of NEW infections have declined from 3.0 million (2001) to 2.7 million (2007) [in 6 years its only 0.3 million decline,good but not very impressive tho]
  • Overall, 2.0 million people died (2007) when compared to 1.7 million (2001)
  • Sub-saharan africa is home to 67% of all people living with HIV.
  • Women account for half of all people living with HIV worldwide.
  • young people aged 15-24 account for 45% percentage of HIV new infections worldwide. [swaziland tops this list followed by south africa and zimbabwe, india being listed last]

HIV transmission

HIV can be transmitted mainly through 3 ways,

  1. Sexually
  2. Through blood
  3. mother-to-child transmission

HIV Prevention

* Spread awareness about HIV/AIDS on "how it can be spread".

  • Media Campaigns
  • School Education etc

* HIV Testing and counselling

* Treatment (antiretrovial treatment)

Sexual transmission

- Abstain from Sex or delay first sex (45% of young aged between 15-24 are HIV infected )

- Be faithful to one partner or have fewer partners

- condomise (male & female condoms are available in markets)

- STDs be effectively treated

There is a social stigma around this diseases, SEX being one of the reason for being infected by this disease. Lack of Awareness about the disease and about safe behaviours spreads fear among masses about this DEADLY disease. Following are some of the cases, I personally know.

Case 1: First case of AIDS reported in my village, couple died of AIDS. Husband working as a lorry driver brought this disease to his wife as well. Both are no more. In my village, nobody seems to be bothered about it at all.

Case 2: A priest died of AIDS recently. He was my junior in Seminary. He got it from Thailand, and spread it among Estate workers in Sengottai (TN).

Case 3: Group of college students had been to Goa on pleasure trip, ventured with women.Among them was a First timer,who inspite of using condoms got infected on the only time he had pleasure with women. He finally have to pay a heavy price for act. He died within a year of infection.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

9-11 Eye Openers???

I happened to go through some of the clips....really an eye-opener...who are being the business of politics being for your view please...

part 1:

part 2:

Yet other evidence!!

hmm...about explosion down the building

what Mr.president had to say?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Women and Marriage - Hilarious

Some Hilarious comments on Women and Marriage,

  • I recently read that love is entirely a matter of chemistry. That must be why my wife treats me like toxic waste. David Bissonette
  • When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. Sacha Guitry
  • After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can't face each other, but still they stay together. Hemant Joshi
  • By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. Socrates
  • Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them. Dumas
  • The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What does a woman want? Sigmund Freud
  • I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me. Anonymous
  • Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays. Henny Youngman
  • I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years. Sam Kinison
  • There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage. James Holt McGavran
  • I've had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me, and the second one didn't. Patrick Murray
  • The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once... Anonymous
  • You know what I did before I married? Anything I wanted to.Henny Youngman
  • My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met. Rodney Dangerfield
  • A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong. Milton Berle
  • Marriage is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy.Anonymous
  • A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: "Wife wanted". Next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: "You can have mine". Anonymous
  • First Guy (proudly): "My wife's an angel!" Second Guy: "You're lucky, mine's still alive."
  • Two secrets to keep your marriage brimming

1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it,

2. Whenever you're right, shut up. Nash

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

ஒபாமாவுக்கு சில கேள்விகள்

இன்று நான் சிலரது பதிவுகளை காண நேரிட்டது, அவ்வாறு பார்த்த பதிவிலிருந்து ஒரு சில
"ஒபாமாவுக்கு சில கேள்விகள்" , கேள்விகள் மிகவும் அருமையாக இருந்ததால் அப்பதிவிலிருந்து உங்களுக்காக இதோ :
௧. அமெரிக்க நகரங்கள், குடியிருப்புகள், உணவு விடுதிகள், காவல் துறை , வேலை வாய்ப்பு, நிறுவனங்களின் தலைமை நிர்வாகிகள் முதலான ஒட்டு மொத்த அமெரிக்காவில் வேர் கொண்டு இருக்கும் வெள்ளை நிறவெறி இனிமேல் இல்லாமல் பூஇவிடுமா?
௨. வறுமைக் கோட்டுக்கு கீழே வாழும் அமெரிக்கர்களில் பெரும்பான்மையினரும், அமெரிக்கச் சிறைகளில் மஜாரிட்டியகவும் இருக்கும் அமெரிக்க - ஆப்பிரிக்க மக்களின் யதார்த்தம் இனிமேல் மாறிடுமா?
௩. பெண்கள் மீது பாலியல் வன்முறைகளில் உலக அளவில் முன்னணியில் இருக்கும் அமெரிக்காவில் இனி பெண்களுக்கு பாதுகாப்பு கிடைத்து விடுமா?
௪. கிளின்டனில் தொடங்கி புஷ் வரை ஈராக்கையும் , ஆப்கானையும் ஆக்கிரமித்து நடத்தப்படும் போரை நிறுத்துவாரா?
மேலும் காண்க நன்றி

War to save ailing Economy

This is recently in NEWs in china that RAND has lobbied with Pentagon to start WAR... [Content courtesy: ]

According to reports out of top Chinese mainstream news outlets, the RAND Corporation recently presented a shocking proposal to the Pentagon in which it lobbied for a war to be started with a major foreign power in an attempt to stimulate the American economy and prevent a recession.

A fierce debate has now ensued in China about who that foreign power may be, with China itself as well as Russia and even Japan suspected to be the targets of aggression. more...

For more Info please visit

Monday, November 3, 2008

Enchantment - Poem

Following is my first ever attempt in English....
there may be lot of grammatical mistakes and hopefully it has come up well...
as usual your comments are welcome with open heart...


Oh! Sweety, Oh! My Sweety!
You may now know
Why I dare to call you so!
After having tasted your nectar
How do you want me to call you so!

All tastes that I have vanished
My memory fails with other
What magic did you do with me
Nectar flowing from heavenly fountain
Did trigger all that so!

Losing myself unto you
Never did I dream of
Oneday It's gonna be True
Do touch with your magic wand
Making my life ever transform.


I hereby planning to present some of the poems written my friend in coming posts as well.
I enjoy birds chirping in the silence of dawn
I listen to the conscience in the silence of my mind
I watch snow flakes in the silence of night
I hear your voice in the silence of my heart!
Justice suffers in the silence of truth
Death occurs in the silence of life
Peace surrounds you in the silence of thoughts
Love blossoms in the silence of hearts!
Wounded heart is longing for silence
Tired of waiting for the loved one in vain
Show the path where there is no pain
All I ask for the eternal silence!

Friday, October 3, 2008

குரங்கு சேட்டை

குரங்கு சேட்டைன்னு குரங்கு சேட்டைன்னு கேள்விப்பட்டு இருப்பீங்க , குரங்கு சேட்டை பண்ணினா எப்படி இருக்கும்னு பார்த்து இருக்கீங்களா? அதுவும் புலி கூட சேட்டை பண்றதை...ஹ்ம்ம் இங்கே பாருங்க..

இனிமே யாராவது உங்களைப் பார்த்து "குரங்கு சேட்டை" பண்றதா சொன்னா,
என்ன பண்றதா உத்தேசம்? ஹ்ம்ம்...அப்படியே இங்கே பார்த்ததே செய்ஞ்சு காமிசுடுங்கேனு சொல்லுறேன்...எப்படி?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You may wonder?

Yes ! you have to believe in what you are going to hear. pinch yourself to ensure, you are not day-dreaming. Don't be surprised that its happening in INDIA.

There is a "Portal for PUBLIC GRIEVANCES" setup by "Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, Ministry of Personal" . isn't it good to hear that its happening in India.

Portal promises following to the users,

  • Lodge Grievance
  • Lodge reminder on past grievances (???)
  • View the Action Status of Grievances
  • View Grievance redress process

You may visit the following portal to do so,

Finally something is happening.....India is pushing itself towards e-governance. Kudos!!!

P.S: Soon all citizens can expect Free "computers & internet connections" as election promises in coming elections.

இன்றைய குறள் - தெரிந்து தெளிதல்

தேரான் தெளிவும் தெளிந்தான்கண் ஐயுறவும்
தீரா இடும்பை தரும் அதிகாரம் : தெரிந்து தெளிதல்

பொருள் : ஒருவரை ஆராயாமல் நம்புதலும், ஆராய்ந்து நம்பிக்கை வைத்தவனை சந்தேகப்படுதலும் ஒருவருக்கு நீங்காத துன்பத்தை கொடுக்கும்.

விளக்கம் : நாம் முன்னைய பதிவிலே இக்குறள் போன்றதொரு "நாலடியார்" பாடல் ஒன்றை பார்த்து இருந்தோம். நாலடியார் பாடலுக்கும் இக்குறளுக்கும் இடையில் பல வேறுபாடுகள் உள்ளதை வாசகர்கள் மிகவும் இலகுவாக கண்டு பிடித்து இருப்பீர்கள்.
நாலடியார் "நாம் நம்பி பழகிய ஒருவரை குற்றமுள்ளவராக பின்னர் அறிய நேர்ந்தாலும், அவர் குற்றம் பொறுத்து கொள்தல் நலம்" என நமக்கு அறிவுறுத்துகிறதேயொழிய இதனால் கேடு நேரும் என்று சொல்லவே இல்லை.
ஆனால் திருக்குறள் "ஒருவரை நம்புவது ஒரு சாதரண விஷயம் இல்லை என்பதில் மிகத் தெளிவாக இருக்கிறது" யாரையும் நம்புவதற்கும் முன்னர் "ஆராய்ந்து" நம்புதல் வேண்டும். "ஆராய்ந்து" என்பதிலும் திருக்குறள் நாலடியார் போலல்லாமல் நம்மை மிகவும் "தேர்ந்து தெளிதல் வேண்டும்" என்கிறது. அவ்வாறு "தேர்ந்து தெளிந்து" கண்டுகொண்ட ஒருவரை நாமே "சந்தேகித்தல்" என்பது யாருடைய குற்றம்?. அவ்வாறு நாம் சந்தேகித்தால் நமக்கு "கேடு" விழையும் என்பதில் ஏதேனும் சந்தேகம் உண்டோ? . திருக்குறள் இதில் நாலடியாரை விட மிக ஆழமான பார்வையைத் தருகிறது இல்லையா?.

உங்களின் கருத்துக்களை பதிவு செய்யுங்கள்.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

தினம் ஒரு குறள்

சமீபத்தில், எனக்கு ஒரு திருக்குறள் புத்தகத்தை பரிசாக கொடுத்தார் ஒருவர். தினம் ஒரு குறள் படித்து, அதனை இங்கு பதிவும் செய்யலாம் என்ற எண்ணம் உண்டு.
உங்களின் விருப்பம்?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Interesting Point of View

A married couple was enjoying a dinner out when a statuesque blondewalked over to their table, exchanged warm greetings with the husband,and walked off. "Who was that?" the wife demanded.

"If you must know," the husband replied, "that was my mistress." "Yourmistress? That's it! I want a divorce!" the wife fumed.

The husband looked her straight in the eye and said, "Are you sure youwant to give up our big house in the suburbs, your Mercedes, your furs,your jewelry, and our vacation home in Mexico?"

For a long time they continued dining in silence. Finally, the womannudged her husband and said, "Isn't that Howard over there? Who's hewith?"

"That's HIS mistress," her husband replied.

"Hmmph..." she said, taking a bite of dessert. "Ours is much cuter."
There are lot of POINTS and VIEWS....:)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

India in Beijing Olympics

Recently, I had mailed to one of the journalists in india, this journalist has over 30 years of experience and currently owns a publishing house in Delhi.

Below is one of such mail exchanges between us.

Mail : Kul to Me


Mera Bharat Mahan but India has won 17 Olympic medals in the last 60 years. During the last Olympics, India could get just one silver medal. For an article on India's medal hopes in the Beijing Olympics…
-- In your opinion, how many medals can India win in Beijing?
-- In which sports can Indians hope for medals? Shooting, archery, wrestling, weight lifting….any others?
-- Has your interest in Beijing Olympics decreased since India did not qualify for hockey?
-- Why does India perform so poorly at Olympics?
Looking forward to your response and please include the country you live in.


Mail : Me to Kul

Hi Kul,

Really didn't expect a mail from you...Nice to hear from you. Its also really nice to have you posted some questions for me to answer. Basically, Olympics always attracts me, but I never ever look forward india to win medals in current conditions ( I have learn to live without expectiontions, thanks to our sports men and women).

India as a country can produce many sports personalities who can keep our PRIDE/FLAG HIGH...but somehow we fail because of "SELECTION PROCESS" and "POLITICKING EACH AND EVERY PROCESS INVOLVED IN GROOMING AND SELECTING SPORTS MEN AND WOMEN IN OUR COUNTRY". If one keenly observes schools, one might admit that we fail to inject "SPORTIVE" mentality in our kids. We want our kids to land in "HIGH PAYING" jobs...currently it is SOFTWARE INDUSTRY (IT), in which everybody wants to put their hands,legs and everything on.

Coming to your questions,

  • In your opinion, how many medals can India win in Beijing?
      1. GOLD - 0 (ABSOLUTE ZERO)
      2. SILVER - 2 ( I would be surprised if get more than TWO)
      3. BRONZE - 6
My Maximum expection of medals is not more than 10 ( If there is any other than Gold,silver and bronze, probably few more can be expected) 55 member squad having 44 support members, getting around 10 medals can't it be treated as GREAT ACHIEVEMENT....
  • In which sports can Indians hope for medals? Shooting, archery, wrestling, weight lifting.... any others?.
Shooting, Tennis, Boxing, swimming (new team,hopes are on), archery...

P.S: I think, Weightlifter Monica L Devi couldn't join the squad because she tested positive.
  • Has your interests in Beijing Olympics decreased since india did not qualify for hockey?.
Absolute NO. Only a hope of another medal in the list got a hit. Hockey being our NATIONAL GAME, if poorly played,how about other sports?.

Gymnastics which fascinates me in Olympics...all small girls performing before huge audience, simply superb. Why aren't we produce even a single gymnast in all these years?.

In reality, Beijing Olympics getting lot of attention because of ALL WRONG REASONS...I suppose, Visitors to China wasn't great as expected by them...
  • Why does India perform so poorly at Olympics?.
Following can be cited as reasons for the same,
  1. Poor sports environment.
  2. No Encouragement from Parents, Governments and society.
  3. Poor formation process from grass-root level.
  4. Politicking in every stage of selection process.

I am currently living in BANGALORE, INDIA.

If you don't mind, may i know where you hail from and where do you live now?.


Cogito Ergo Sum

Urging readers to come up with their own version of ANSWERs to Kul's questions.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tamil Kavithai

courtesty : Partha, FMR India

Does it sound Too Funny?

Content courtesy : Partha ,FMR India


Most Relationships fail not because of the absence of love..

Love is always present..

Its just that,

One loves too much,


The other loves too many...


Employee: Boss, Now i have got married..! Please increase my salary..!

BOSS: Factory is not responsible for accidents occuring outside the company..!


Philosophy of life

At the begining of married life, every gal treats her husband as GOD,

Later on somehow the alphabets got reversed..!


Someone has rightly said, "A fool can ask More questions that a wise man cannot answer"

No Wonder why so many of us arespeechless when Bossesask questions..!


Girl: Do you have Cards with sentimental Love quotes?

Shopkeeper: Oh sure..@! How about this card, it says "To the only boy I ever loved.!"

Girl: Thats good, Give me 12 of them..!


After reading the form filled by an applicant..

The employer said: " WE do have an opening for you..!

Applicant: What is it?Interviewer: Its called the "door..!"


A Banner cum Sign Board In front of an IT company..

Drive Slowly, Dont kill our Employee... .....

Leave them to us...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Deadly Birthday to remember for life - Hilarious

This is from one of the forwards I received.

One day I met a sweet gentleman and fell in love. When it became apparentthat we would marry, I made the supreme sacrifice and gave up eating beans.

Some months later, on my birthday, my car broke down on the way home fromwork. Since I lived in the countryside, I called my husband and told himthat I would be late because I had to walk home. On my way, I passed by asmall diner and the odour of baked beans was more than I could stand.

With miles to walk, I figured that I would walk off any ill effects by thetime I reached home, so I stopped at the dinner and before I knew it, Ihad consumed three large orders of baked beans.

All the way home, I made sure that I released all the gas. Upon my arrival,my husband seemed excited to see me and exclaimed delightedly: "Darling Ihave a surprise for dinner tonight." He then blindfolded me and led me to mychair at the dinner table.

I took a seat and just as he was about to remove my blindfold, the telephonerang. He made me promise not to touch the blindfold until he returned andwent to answer the call.

The baked beans I had consumed were still affecting me and the pressure wasbecoming most unbearable, so while my husband was out of the room Iseized the opportunity, shifted my weight to one leg and let one go. Itwas not only loud, but it smelled like a fertilizer truck running over askunk in front of a pulpwood mill.

I took my napkin from my lap and fanned the air around me vigorously. Then,shifting to the other cheek, I ripped off three more. The stink was worsethan stinking cabbage. Keeping my ears carefully tuned to the conversationin the other room, I went on like this for another few minutes.

The pleasure was indescribable. When eventually the telephone farewellssignaled the end of my freedom, I quickly fanned the air a few more timeswith my napkin, placed it on my lap and folded my hands back on it feelingvery relieved and pleased with myself.

My face must have been the picture of innocence when my husband returned,apologizing for taking so long. He asked me if I had peeked through theblindfold, and I assured him I had not.

At this point, he removed the blindfold, and twelve dinner guests seatedaround the table chorused: "Happy Birthday!"

I nearly died!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Recent activities

I have resolved to do something productive in using the time available to me by reading books and articles,watching movies etc.

Following topics got my attention,

1. Nuclear Deal (India,US,China and rest of the world's perspective)

2. Fidel Castro
3. Che guevara
4. LTTE and Tamil Eelam
5. Nokia
6. Who Will cry when you die? (self-help book)
7. How to reduce expenses?. (Not at all useful in indian context)
8. Pregnancy and Normal birth.
9. Practical Cryptography
10. Sherlock Holmes.
11. Naan Saravanan, Vidya (livingsmile vidya's book)
12. Thirukkural.
13. Ayngurunooru

Besides, I also invested my time in watching movies, Recently watched movies,

1. I am Legend
2. Tom N Jerry
3. The Departed
4. Final Destination
5. Bourne Identity
6. Enemy at the gates
7. Dhasaavadhaaram (Tamil)
8. Pandy (Tamil)
9. If it rains again (Tamil documentary)

10. Partner (Hindi)

படித்ததால் பிடித்தது - நாலடியார் பாடல்

சமீபத்தில் ஆறாம் வகுப்பு தமிழ் புத்தகம் ஒன்றை புரட்ட நேர்ந்தது, எவ்வாறு தற்போதைய பாட புத்தகங்கள் உள்ளன என்ற ஆவல் முன்னேயுந்த புரட்டியதால் ஏற்பட்ட விளைவே இந்த பதிவு.
பாடல் (ஞாபகத்தில் உள்ள வரிகளே இங்கு , தவறுகள் இருக்க வாய்ப்புகள் உண்டு )
நல்லார் எனத்தான் நனிசெய்து கொண்டாரை
அல்லார் எனினும் அடக்கிக்கொளால் வேண்டும்
நெல்லுக் குமியுண்டு நீருக்கு நுரையுண்டு
புல்லிதழ் பூவிற்குமுண்டு
( யாரேனும் இப்பாடலுக்கு அர்த்தம் சொல்ல முயன்றால் நலமாய் இருக்குமே? இல்லையேல் நானே இந்த பதிவில் பின்னர் பதிவு செய்கிறேன்.)
பொருள் :
நல்லவர் என நாம் ஒருவரை நினைத்து அவருடன் நன்கு பழகி வரும்போது ஒரு சில நேரங்களில் அவர்களிடம் உள்ள சில கெட்ட பழக்கங்களைப் பார்க்க நேரிடலாம். அவ்வாறு நாம் காணக்கூடிய தருணங்களில் அவர்களை பற்றி நமது கருத்துக்களை மாற்ற வேண்டிய தருணம் வந்துவிட்டதாக நினைத்து அவர்களை கெட்டவர்கள் எனப்புரிந்து கொள்ளலாம். ஆனால், நாம் அவ்வாறு நினைப்பதற்கு முன்பு பின்வருவனவற்றை நமது மனதில் இருத்தி நினைத்தோமேயானால் அவர்களை தவறாக நினைப்பதற்கு பதிலாக உலக நியதியை புரிந்து கொள்ள இயலும்.
நெல்லுக்கு இருக்கும் உமி போன்றும் ,நீருக்கு இருக்கும் நுரை போன்றும், பூவில் இருக்கும் வாசமில்லா இதழ் போன்றும், மனிதர்களிடமும் ஒரு சில குறை கண்டால் அதனை நாம் பொருத்துக்கொள்ளலே நலம்.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Customer Care (CITI BANK) - Personal Identity Verification over phone

Today I happened to call CITI BANK Customer for some reasons as stated below, I had placed two requests for which I was verified Two times on a SAME Call made to Customer Care.

Following is the mail sent on to, according to the Executive this mail id will be accessed by managers. Readers may use this id to highlight their grievances to managers of CITI BANK Customer Care Services.

Follows the mail sent to Customer Care ( ).



Good Morning!!!

Today I happened to call CitiBank Customer Care for Reversal of one of the transactions I mistakenly made on 24/Jul/2008.

Executive who answered was Ms.Kamatchi Egambaram, I appreciate her for her patience and polite in answering to questions.

As a process, she verified my Account Details and personal details before taking my request of reversal. Upon verification we proceeded with the reversal request (Ref No : 77XX8). She further suggested me to go for TPIN facility and requested me to apply for the same using

Netbanking account of mine. I inquired whether is it possible for her to place a request on my behalf with her affirmation we proceeded.

But, here again as a process she wanted me to Verify my details again, which really a ridiculous thing as for as I as a User is concerned.For me, I had already been verified and hence we proceeded with the request (Ref No : 77XX8),

verifying again it means,

    • Previous verification on a same call wasn't taken into account.
    • If that is so, is it that every new requests being made on the same call to Bank treated as FRESH CALL and mandate a verification each time.
    • If EACH REQUEST is treated as FRESH, why would your Executive has to say "Is there anything that I could help you further?". Is it being said just for the sake of it?.
    • How many REQUESTs can a customer place in a call with your Executive?.
    • How many times a customer is expected to verify himself/herself in a call with your Executive?.

Although I managed to place TPIN request (Ref no : 71XX37XX2), I was really intrigued and irked about this OBVIOUSLY STRANGE SECURITY PROCESS followed in Citi bank.

Requesting bank to review this process as it is unnecessary and repetitive and would save plentity of time and money for both Bank and Customer.

Awaiting to hear from you.


Have any such stories to tell about Customer Care (in general) please do mail to the following E-mail ID :

Monday, July 7, 2008

CREDIT CARD FRAUD - Recent Real story

This is a real story from Bangalore,India. Person who was a victim works for WIPRO deputed in CISCO, Marathahalli, Bangalore.

Now, to this E-mail sent by her, for safety reasons here we are not divulging her name.
Last weekend I was a victim of a Credit Card Fraud.

Luckily for me I had activated the option of receiving email notifications each time the credit limit on my card crossed a certain value or percentage(eg: 25%, 50%, etc)

On Monday (June 23rd) I saw one such notification saying that the transactions on my card had crossed the credit limit. Since I had not swiped my card for any such high value transactions, I checked with my bank and found that my card was used to make some 10-12 online transactions by some unscrupulous persons to the tune of 1.2 Lakhs!

I found from my bank that someone had used my card during the weekend(Sat June 21st and Sun Jun 22nd) to buy Air Line Tickets, when the card was very much with me during the weekend. Myself and my husband and some friends immediately swung into action and contacted each of the 5 respective Air Lines to find out that all the flights had been taken in the weekend and some 30-40 people had happily traveled all overIndia(Kolkatta, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Indore etc etc) on my credit card. Luckily for us, one flight from Kolkatta was arriving to Bangalore on Monday (June 23rd).

I went to one police station, to lodge an FIR but they directed us to Airport Police.(FIR has to be launched from the location where the crime has been committed, since this is online, they were not sure ..we also did not have too much time, since the flight was landing on the same day itself.).

We requested the Airlines to allow the passengers to travel to Banagalore and drove down to the Devanahalli Airport. Along with the Airport Police we were able to nab 4 people (1 guy managed to escape) who traveled with my credit card. Then we brought them to the city police station at 10 in the night and they were questioned (I guess you all know how). After 1.5 days tension, explanations, requests,influences, blames and threats we were able to finally lodge an FIR.This has been submitted to the bank for further investigation for 45 days. Hopefully, I do not have to pay the 1.2 lakhs( I just hope).

On questioning, the arrested guys said that they had no clue about any credit card and had paid an agent to arrange for tickets and deliver them home. 1 guy spilt the beans about a local agent in Bangalore who used the Credit Card details to buy these tickets online. Still the case is under investigation as it is looks like a huge chain.

But the question is How Did This Agent Get The Card Details when I have'nt transacted ever with this agent???

Online Air ticket booking does not need any verification, like other transactions. We just need to give the card number, CVV number and Expiry date of the card.

I recalled having used the card in the previous week for Shopping at two malls and at a Restaurant. We give out our card to the waiter/cashier and all he has to do is to memorize your 3 digit CVV number. At one suchplace when I gave my card to be swiped, the CVV # (which is a last 3digit # found on the back of the card) was noted down/memorised by the cashier / waiter/God knows who. The card # and expiry date of the card anyways shows up on the transaction slip.

I heard form some people that the CVV #, Expiry Date and Card # is sold to Credit Card Fraudsters for as low as Rs. 100/- to 200/-!! (Can you believe it!!!!)

Some Steps to Protect Yourself from Credit Card Fraud

  • Check you Credit Card Statements regularly
  • Check with your bank if you have an option to receive email /SMS notifications for High Value Transactions. If available, activate the same.Look at the back of your card and see if the CVV # is mentioned. If yes,note it elsewhere and Score it off with a permanent marker from yourcard
  • Sign your cards as soon as they arrive.
  • Carry your cards separately from your wallet, in a zippered compartment, a business card holder, or another small pouch.
  • Keep a record of your account numbers, their expiration dates,and the phone number and address of each company in a secure place.
  • Keep an eye on your card during the transaction, and get it back as quickly as possible. In restaurants, we send the card in the folder with the waiter. And finally when you are thinking of how to save for the flight tickets for your next vacation with the family, someone else is happily flying places on your card. And then finally you end up paying for someone else's vacation, and cancel yours.
  • DON'T Sign a blank receipt. When you sign a receipt, draw a line through any blank spaces above the total.

Although credit card fraud is certainly on the rise -- and credit card fraud on the Internet is rising even more dramatically -- many savvyInternet shoppers know that the reality is that it's actually much safer to enter your credit card number on a secure online order form than it is to give your credit card to a waiter at a restaurant.

After all, what's to stop the waiter from writing down your credit card number and then selling the details for a mere 200/-.

If you think that this happens to others, its NOT true. YOU May be the next victim!

Hence, removing the CVV number from your card is much better than going through this mess, risks and tensions. I hope you learn from my experience rather than wait to experience it yourself. The pain offeeling cheated and then the risks and tension involved is really horrible.


Please be careful and prudent in using your credit cards. To minimize the risks, always go for Credit Cards having manageable minimal amount definitely not in lakhs.

NOTE : This e-mail is posted as is received from the sender, no addition, deletion been done to the content.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

Some excerpts from the book 'The art of War", Finding that this is applicable not only in war,but every walks of life in current competitive world.
  • War is a matter of Life and Death, a road either to safety or to ruin
  • According as circumstances are favourable, one should modify one's plans.
  • All warfare is based on deception
  • when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
  • Hold our baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.
  • Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
  • To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excelllence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
  • To secure ourselves against defear lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defearing the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.
  • The Good fighter is able to secure himself against defear, but cannot make certain of defeating the enemy.
  • In all fighting, the direct method may be used for joining battle, but indirect methods will be needed in order to secure victory.
  • The good fighter will be terrible in his onset, and prompt in his decision.
  • The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
  • The spot where we intend to fight must not be made known; for then the enemy will have to prepare against a possible attack at several different points.
  • Rouse him, and learn the principle of his activity or inactivity. Force him to reveal himself, so as to find out his vulnerable spots.
  • All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
  • Do not repear the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances.
  • So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.
  • Just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions.
  • One cannot enter into alliances until we are acquainted with the designs of our neighbours.
  • In war, practice dissimulation, and you will succeed.
  • When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.
  • Peace proposals unaccompanied by a sworn covenant indicate a plot.
  • He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them.
  • If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt.
  • The principle on which to manage an army is to set up one standard of courage which all must reach.
  • It is the business of a general to be quiet and thus ensure secrecy; upright and just, and thus maintain order.
  • Success in warfare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the enemy's purpose.
  • The enlightened ruler lays his plans well ahead; the good general cultivates his resources.
  • Knowledge of the enemy's dispositions can only be obtained from other men.
  • Be subtle! Be subtle ! and use your spies for every kind of business.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

வாழ்க்கை - காதல், ஓடிப்போதல், கல்யாணம் - (பாகம் ஒன்று)

"இது என்னுடைய முதல் தமிழ் பதிப்பு, தயைகூர்ந்து பிற மொழி படிப்பாளர்கள் பொறுத்து அருளுங்கள் "
-- This is my first post in TAMIL, other language readers please bear with me

"காதல்", "ஓடிப்போதல்,"கல்யாணம் " பற்றி எழுதுவது என்று முடிவு செய்தாகிவிட்டது, ஆனால் எங்கிருந்து துவங்குவது பற்றி இன்னும் சரியாக முடிவு செய்யவில்லை. கதையை எங்கேயாவது துவங்கித்தானே ஆக வேண்டியுள்ளது. ஆரம்பத்தைப் பிடித்து விட்டால் மற்றவை தன் பாட்டுக்குப் பின்னாலே வந்து விட போகிறது. இல்லையா ??. கதையைப் போலத்தான் காதலும்னு நினைக்கிறேன். ஆரம்பிக்கிறது அவ்வளவு சுலபம் இல்லைதானோ?. ம்ம்ம்... கல்யாணம்? சிந்திக்க வேண்டிய கேள்வி தான்?. சரி பார்க்கலாம், நாம் எங்கே ஆரம்பிச்சு எங்கே முடிக்கிறோம்னுk...

காதலும் கதை மாதிரிதான்னு நினைக்கிறேன், எங்கேயோ எப்படியோ மனதில் முளை விட்டு, வேர்விட்டு ,மரமாகி, படாத பாடு படுத்திவிடுது மனதையும் மனிதரையும். காதல் என்னவோ கதைகளில் படிக்கும் போதும், பிறர் சொல்ல கேட்கும் போதும் நன்றாகத் தான் இருக்கிறது.

காதல், கல்யாணம் பற்றி எழுதுவதால், நான் காதலுக்கும், கல்யாணத்துக்கும் நண்பனும் இல்லை, எதிரியும் இல்லை, மனதில் பட்டதை எழுதி விடலாமே என்ற எண்ணமே மேலோங்கியதால் உள்ளே விழைவே இது. எது எப்படியாகிலும் எழுதத் தழைப்பட்ட பின்னே பின்வாங்கலாமா, எழுத நினைத்ததை எழுதி விடலாமே. எழுதலாமே !!!

காதல் பண்ணுகிற எவரும் இதனால் உந்தப்பட்டு காதல் மற்றும் கல்யாணம் பண்ணுவதை கைவிட்டு விட்டால் அதற்கு யாரை பொறுப்பேற்க வைப்பது ?. காதலையும் கல்யாணத்தையும் விட இதுவே மிகப்பெரிய பிரச்சனையாக இருக்கும் போல் தெரியுது. இது இப்போதைக்கு ஒரு பக்கமாக இருக்கட்டும். சரி நாம் பேச வேண்டிய விஷயத்துக்குப் போவோம்.

ஹ்ம்ம் ....உள்ளேசரி இப்போ நாம் உள்ளதை உள்ளபடியே சொல்லி விடலாமா? இல்லை கூட்டிக் குறைத்து சுவை மிக சொல்லலாமா? ஐயகோ! இதென்ன என் நிலை இப்படி ஆகிடுச்சே? ஏன் என்னால் இப்படி ஒரு முடிவு எடுக்க முடியவில்லை. அதுவும் காதல் பற்றி எழுதுவதிலேயேவா இப்படி? பின் காதல் புரிந்து ஓடிப்போகும் நிலை வந்தால் நான் என்னதான் செய்வேனோ? கடவுளே !! (வேறே யாரைத்தான் கூப்பிட நான்?) இப்படி நான் இருந்தால் யார் தான் என்னை காதலிக்கத் துணிவார்? . இவ்வாறு இருந்தால் ஏன் என்னை ஒருவர் காதலிக்க வேண்டும், பின்னர் கஷ்டப்பட வேண்டும்?.

' சுய புராணத்தில்' என்னமோ நான் ஒரு வகையில் ' சுயம்பு' தான். 'சுயம்' விடுத்து செல்வோமா உள்ளே? ...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sex : transgenders and Sex-workers - Discussion

I would like to thank VijayTV for initiating this discussion on a media. I think the society slowly would understand things in the right way.

I always welcome any healthy discussion on any topics. Readers interested to hear this discussion, please do visit the following link.

I am not here endorsing anything that has been discussed but rightly endorse the initiative and courage of these participants in this discussion.Its really a welcome initiative from a media.This show is run by a transgender called "ROSE",that is also a real welcome move from TV media.

My association with transgender happened by reading a "novel written in one of the famous tamil weekly ananda vikatan in early 90's ". A novel written fully about transgender by su.samuthiram, readers if get a chance can read that novel (vadamalli). As a teen age boy, I was fully taken by that novel and shocked to know in entirety the state of these people who could neither live like MALE or FEMALE. I invite readers just to imagine what if they happen to be one among them. don't be surprised that I used to medidate on this and started believe i am becoming one. I still could feel the pain of being a transgender and being treated indifferently by the society.

Like ROSE there are many transgenders who lead somewhat decent life, but not everybody is fortunate enough to live a decent life. Everyone of them undergo highly humiliating moment in their life, thank God, they face them in one of the other way.if that is a case with transgenders in the society, one could understand the life of SEX workers. probably we fail to treat "people as people" or is it that "we fail to realize that we are human".

Whatever It may be, I welcome this initiative by ROSE to bring REAL SEX WORKERS on the show. If you carefully watch the show, you would realize there were two REAL sex workers one among them was willingly became sex worker as she liked this life-style as she says,whilst the other was forced by society. We all have our own reasons to live in LIFE.

Wish everybody realize their role and live their life happily.

your comments are always welcome.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tamil Blog - Floating??

Hmm....Its been for quite long long time since I blogged. If you have gone through Life Lesson#1 , you would have understood, what keeps me busy and how organized I am and how do I manage my Time.

And if readers remember well that I have already mentioned in one of my posts why am I not able to blog regularly. Mostly It is something like "Spirit is willing but procrastination or chatting or something or other takes my time".

It is not that I have problem in thinking about what to post,but it is mostly the confident in posting the contents in my mind. Why have I started to think in these way?.

Recently I started to reflect on this topic, why am i not very much doing what I supposed to do?. Followings are my findings,
  • Need to improve English Grammar
  • Need to improve Vocabulary
  • Need to improve confident in blogging in English
  • Should start thinking in English instead of 'Vernacular language'

Have been thinking of floating 'Tamil blog' as well.

is it ok if I start blogging in both Tamil & English here. or Can any help me in getting 'Tamil blog' up?.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

BEWARE of these FALSE calls !!!! NEVER respond !!

112-113 AVENIDA DE AMERICA 28980
(¡) REFERENCE: 67/80/CCL
(¡¡)BATCH: EGGS-541-623-782
We happily announce to you the result of winners of the Euro millions Spanish Lottery International, This promotion Programme is held as "CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR BONANZA which was held of 20th Of DECEMBER 2007. Your company or your personal e-mail address attached to ticket number 653-908-321-675 with serial main number 345-790-241-671 drew lucky star winning numbers 34-32-90-43-32 which consequently won in the 2ND category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of Euros.(ONE MILLION EUROS).
The online draws was conducted by a random selection of email addresses from an exclusive list of 29,031 E-mail addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer search from the internet all the continents of the world.
.No ticket were sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy.

This lottery was promoted and sponsored by Spanish European Lottery Board in line with the King Of Spain (REY) for it's annual promotion in order to enhance and promote the use of Internet Explorer Users around the globe. This promotional program takes place once in three years. Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your award remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants.
To claim your winning prize, you should contact the assigned office by e-mail for Processing and remittance of your winning funds to you.
The Claims Officers:
Remember, all winning must be claimed not later than two weeks, after this date all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake.Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your Reference number and Batch numbers in all correspondence with the claims officer.
Congratulations once more from our members of staff and thank you for being part of our promotional program.
Sincerely yours,
Director Online International Promotions Unit/Lottery Co-ordinator.
1.All winners under the age of 18 are automatically disqualified.


If any of you, got this kind of LETTERs, please IGNORE, these are just BAITs.There are several cases being registered with police (Ironically, police is not act on these cases, because of several reasons, viz., Indian IT ACT 2000 doesn't define this kind of fraud under cybercrime and police is not ready to take under 'financial count' either, as they think that it is cybercops who has to look into this matter). As universally applied to every Indian System, we finally find being foot-balled to one-corner to another.

BEWARE!!! Never Respond to these kind of E-mails. Never means Never. Ignore them. or If possible try to contact 'embassies' for more details,which will take action against them. POLICE, you may try your luck (they don't register a case, unless you been cheated).


'Procrastination' is a WORD which never will be erased/forgotten from my 'historic' life in coming days. You may find this word in each and every sentence or paragraph written about me. [Ha ha in a way its my dream that someone would actually write about me].

I am very much known for this habit of mine. How many times did I try and how serious did I try in getting rid of this habit,It just sticks to me like a parasite and sure enough to be patronised by me and me alone everytime. History tells that I have always helped it survive in my life.

Readers must not be misled over the above statement that I am actually unaware of this 'unhealthy' habit. Statistically speaking (It is worth giving some figures to impress people) 10 out of 7.5 cases,I am fully aware of me getting late or in other words, I could feel Time sliping away under my feet.

Should there be a contest and If you are in search of finding a "worlds most Laziest and lethargic person" never have a second thought but to contact me better in person than other means (Beware! you may get a reply very late,if contacted even via phone). Should I promise to win you prizes. Now to real Lesson!!

Recently, I had been to my native (For past few months I am shutting between my current location and my native).

This is was the day I suppose to travel back to my workplace. (This is a normal schedule,when in native)

4.00 AM - Deep sleep (snoring) [ information courtesy : My wife (I am married huh) ]

5.00 AM - Still Asleep ( I know because, I havn't got up yet) :)

6.00 AM - Half Sleep (Aware of something happening around me,but donno what).

7.00 AM - I am getting up (its TEA time buddy) [Sorry !! I am still dreaming in bed]

8.00 AM - Donno what I did actually.

Daily routine at home starts NOW (whenever I am home)

8:42 AM - Sun rises from EAST and I raise from my DREAM,finally from BED.

9:30 AM - Early morning walk on the roadside.

10:00AM - Meet with friends in neighbouring village. (i walk).

10:30 AM - Early morning TEA and Tiffin (vada*5,ponda*3,pajji*3).

11:00 AM - Wait until someone pays the bill (otherwise, pay from pocket )

DECIDED to meet them on my way back in evening.

12:00 AM - Back Home for morning Breakfast.

12:05 PM - Inform people at home that I start today.

12:30 PM- Wait for Lunch (Unfortunately, Its lunch time already)

01:00 PM - still waiting (try to kill time by talking to wife)

01:45 PM - Lunch is ready but have to wait for all family members to join.

02:00 PM - Have final Lunch at home for that trip (do some justice by having stomach full )

02:05 PM - Declare 'I will be moving by 3pm exactly from home so that can board 9pm bus.

02:15 PM - Go to bed (after having stomach full,how do you expect me to move around?)

02:45 PM - Deep sleep.

02:50 PM - Wife wakes up. Snooze again.

03:10 PM - Wife again wakes up. Get up slowly and stedily (win the race??? ).I lambast wife
for waking me up very late.

03:25 PM - Get ready , get blessings from parents. (Mom everytime I start never forget to
remind me not to hang around anywhere but to reach the destination on time.I
defy all the times.)

Usually,I have a habit of not booking my tickets but occasionally I do [only book tickets if available online! Techsavvy huh :)] and one of such rare occasion was this that I had booked my return ticket to workplace. It was a private bus supposed to start by 9pm at night. I suppose to report them at 8.30pm (why am I taking pains in giving exact timings! May be I am improving in time management? ).It is 14 hours travel by bus to my workplace and I have to commute atleast by 4 buses to reach my workplace (10 hrs + 30-50 mins + 2 - 3 hours + 1 hr) all at the mercy of Drivers and I was living 4+ hours travel away from private bus station.

03:30PM - Wait for the bus (I am already 10 mins in advance for the bus to arrive.bus
supposed to arrive by 3:40PM)

03:50 PM - Bus finally arrives. (Apply one of Murphy's Laws here!)

04:00PM - Friends are waiting for me and they wave towards me (Its an indication, to alight
from bus, moreover,Its not good to brake once promises to others)

04: 30 PM - We reach another friend's house,whose marriage is in trouble. (Friend in need is
Friend indeed).

05:00 PM - Friends mom serves TEA to everyone (savings for the day :3 Rs).

05:05 PM - I inform friends that I suppose catch my 9pm bus in Madurai.

05:06 PM - My friend assures me that he can leave me in my town so I can catch a 1-1 bus
to madurai, which takes just 2 hours to reach.

05:06 PM - I am sure, I have enough time.Not to worry now.

05:30 PM - We finally decided,Its the right time to start by 2-Wheeler.

05:35 PM - My friend and me reach local bus stand and I insist I want to have vada,ponda
(Evening tiffin cannot be missed,anyway).

05:45PM - Start towards my town in short cut so as to catch 6PM.I am hopeful I can board
the bus.

06:03PM - Reach town bus station, to find 1-1 bus already moving. chase to catch the bus.
Bus left without stopping anywhere. (Saved almost 40 mins of travel time from
by using 2-wheeler, happy ? ).
06:15 PM - Back again to town bus station. A bus starts. I board the bus finally.

06:15PM - Start calculating different "permutation combinations" in mind.

Calculations :
If the bus takes usual 3 hrs to reach Madurai (mattuthavani bus-stand) what to do next?
- Catch an auto to Periyar bus station?
- Or try KSRTC buses to Bangalore?
- Or should I inform collegue that reaching office tomorrow is difficult,hence I would be
- Should I get down in ring road and catch a bus to periyar so i can save around 10 mins?.
- why not give a call to Travels requesting them to wait for 15 mins?.
What If reaches in 2.30 hrs?.
- Again same questions popping-up.

06:45 PM - Reached Paramakudi (Ah ! Driver seems to be driving on time!!)

06:50 PM - Calling Travels informing them that i am supposed to report there by 8.30PM,
but i am reaching there but 10/15 mins late.
Travel Agent other side tells bus is on time [usually bus never on time,I was
counting on that until now, after hearing that started feeling nervous] ( please do
remember to apply Murphy's law here).

Again Started calculations as I have additional 5 mins in hand(count the EGGs on your hand,before......) ,

Re-Calculations :

- Wished that the bus reaches Ringroad cross within 2 hrs or atleast 2.15 hrs.

- Wished that I get a connecting bus to periyar immediately after alighing.

(Wishes never becomes a reality unless otherwise other factors work-out in your favour)

07:15 PM - Reached parthibanur, bus was late almost by 10 mins already.

07:30 PM - Manamadurai (now, Driver spotted a pazhani bus,which he wanted to overtake
and started a race) Race begins.

08:30 PM - Reach Thirupuvanam - spotted a City-bus to periyar ahead, a ray of hope)

08:40PM - Reach Ring-Road, its a best option to alight since spotted already connecting
city-bus to periyar.

08:40PM - Hmm..Not able to control, bladder about to blast, already worried,while easing
myself what if i miss the city-bus, finally half-finshed (che che, this jeans
pant !!!,please do remember working of Murphy's Law here again) run towards
the city-bus which started already, finally boarded)

[Remember have only 25 mins to board]

08:45PM - Inquire co-passenger, how long this city-bus would take to reach periyar.
Ensured that it would reach less than half hour.

08:50 PM - Call Travels to inform that Will they wait for till 09:05PM as assured earlier.

- Bus caught on Traffic Jam near EastVeli Street.

Calculations :

- What to do next if miss the bus?.

- Is it possible to reach Mattuthavani before 9:30PM to try my luck with KSRTC?

- Should I head towards Arapalayam,so that i can get a bus to Salem?.

- Started calculating when can I reach office in all probability?.

08:58PM - Meanwhile, realize bus almost entering periyar bus station, Just Jump out and
run towards Travels.

09:00PM - WoW ! I am in bus on Time !!! hmm..Should I worry about anything.

09:03 PM - Call Friends to tell that I am on time to board the bus.

COST OF PROCRASTINATION - Hmm...Nothing.just few calculations, and re-calculations. Anything else that i am missing.

Its a Tensionless LIFE anyway. :)

09:10 PM - Hmm..donno (I must be sleeping).

NOTE : Hmm...I think I am improving a lot from "Time Management" aspect.