Monday, February 16, 2009

The cost of war and the price of Victory

I happened to read an article in Telegraph.

Find the link below, it is an interview with managala samaweera, a dissent raising voice against pakses.

The cost of war and the price of Victory

My comments in telegraph :

Thanks peter for coming up with this article...
I recently called my aunt in Mannar, she says they are unaware of whats happening in SL..coz of entire MEDIA black-out.

One must understand the actual intend of SL Govt..

Systematically, they trying to destabilize instutitions either by issuing direct threats or intimidating them.

If a govt could issue threat to Foreigners, diplomats and INGOs, even denying UN to setup its office, threatening ICRC of dire consequences if its presence in vanni is found....what do you call this?

International community still wants evidence to raise its voice...For UN, the news is very minimal to act upon it...UN Secretary General endorses the Action of SL president based on the assurances he is giving.

What happened to all the INTERNATIONAL PACTS?. who first torn into pieces?. Why International community keeps its mouth shut when all that happened?

When there is clear evidence of Mass killings and systemic and systematic Genocide..there is nobody to raise their concern...

I know, the Entire world would come once everything been done and no one living in vanni.

If we go by SL Govts statements made about number of LTTE present in would surely raise a LTTE being in hundreds could manage this huge number of stranded people in vanni?. Even if they are armed, whats the possibility of holding them back? getting them moved along with them while they retreated from kili to mullai to puthukudiyiruppu...

Oh !! Is there no genuine intellectual who could raise it to the world to hear?.

We all know LTTE is outnumbered by SLA..and why should they bomb every inch of vanni?. Can't this "so called" world's best army as boasted by SL Govt, could blow them away with their mighty army in a jiffy?. Why should they resort to bombing of civilians?.

What more clear evident needed to take action against Srilankan top executives, when Defence Secretary openly justifies "bombing of hospital as legitimate target"...what more evidence the WORLD wants to take action...

Its really frustrating to LIVE begging these eunuchs (UN,INDIA,co-chairs) to take action...

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