Now the actual war is not only with Guns and tanks, but its a "well planned false propaganda" against Tamils to quench their protests all over.
We need to be very careful that even these forces camouflage as a "well wishers" and "intending to help" Tamils (Alas! even these traitors are speaking Tamil as their mother-tongue) if we could identify these "Ettappans" then no "kattapans" will be killed.
As long as those abetting this crime of Genocide against Tamil are there, how do you think that we could go against "forces who actually act" on those scripted versus.
How come a force of small number (around 1000s as per Srilankan president and ponseka) of LTTEs could forcefully keep these 3,50,000 people confined to 250 sqkm area?. Is everybody around here a fool?.
Here in india, where there is a conductive environment for a government having large police force and other means could hardly quench the outbreak of people spontaneously coming out to streets in support of Eelam Tamils. Our politicans were hellbound to divert the spontaneous demonstrations either hook or crook methods.LTTE is a banned organisation, who in Tamilnadu doesn't know?. But who is fighting for Tamils in Eelam?. while there are traitors like Karuna, Devanada and pillian who wag their tails for the meagre money that is thrown to them.
If here in Tamilnadu, our very only one so called "world tamil leader" ,threaten people for speaking for Eelam and LTTE and put people jail merely voicing their opinion on stages. what one could say about these hardliners in srilanka viz., jatika hela urmya.
As long as we have "Ettapans" like cho,Ram,Jeyalalitha, Karunanidhi, Entire congress morons on our side, why don't these sinhalese get bold?.
DMK having cabinet ministers in its chest, never ever thought of using its force to coerce Federal government to put an end this Genocidal war. But isn't it foolish to go to Federal government, while actually it is the one which waged this proxy war against Tamils and in particular LTTE, that is one of the reasons it shows deafen ear to all the pleas from TN.
Another important point would be that DMK never ever came in public record against Federal Government and also it never revealed to TN people that what India's share in ongoing war in Srilanka.
We may say that we would teach a good lesson to all these politicians during elections.but we fail to see that they are not showing even iota of worry about it, because they know what this electoral process is all about.
Even today, to martyr Muthukurmaran, who came and paid respect? any DMK or ADMK politicians?. Each political party has its own agenda of their own in this conflict, I would blame all politicians for dragging this issue to this level,where one Muthukumaran has to come as a martyr to invoke so far smouldering emotion to new high.
What do we do anyway? what more could we go? nobody knows....atleast for myself, I have already decided to reject these political parties which have acted against our sentiments. I now feel really ashamed to call myself as an Indian, for India which always upholds and preach "peace" to outside world but in reality it cowardly and subtle manner does all heinous acts.
Why should there be such double games? I had Sonia in high regard when she could boldly meet Nalini. But now I know its just to show the world that SHE IS GOOD HEARTED but inturn having all maligious intentions and go to the extend of taking revenge by having thousands of innocent life taken.
Here is a Holy cow which has now given an ultimatum of 48 hours to ensure safety of Tamils, meanwhile having taken all measures to kill and exterminate youngsters both girls and boys so that the possibility of them turning "LTTE cadre" and go against sinhalese is neutralised. what a noble intend to have announced "safe zone" to trap people there to kill them en masse.
If you carefully go through the statement of ultimatum it implicitly cites that people who have chosen to remain there would be killed by intensified usage of boms and shells. now who would raise a voice for those people who have chosen to be in vanni? for they had been given a choice to choose and people have chosen to die, hence he gets all right to kill them.
Why not any Human right organisation files a Genocidal case against these guys and try them in international court?.why all media which always make hue and cry for even a single spate of incident has turned its face?.
Why not we as youngsters start a "movement" to expose these corrupt politicians? why not we shun these traitors entering into active politics? why not we reject those medias who have gone against us?.As for me, I no longer reading "newspapers" such as Hindu,dinamalar etc.And also have decided not to vote to these spineless politicians.
We should also start a movement to have a reform in electoral process, asking for NEGATIVE VOTING etc.?
Could we do that?