Saturday, September 15, 2007

Betrayal of Innocense - Cont

I am making slow progress in reading this book. Book is light but the subject dealt is really heavy to make any quick progress.

There are a lot of things, I want to put it on this blog from the book (Excerpts from the book).Author's approach on the subject is totally different from what I expected to be.
It wasn't very dry nor it wasn't very erotic either.

Author has her own 'realistic definition' of what is INCEST. Interestingly, Author herself is a victim of the subject she dealing with. That makes, this book more special and interesting. Hardly people admit it to be published on a book. I like her guts to disclose it. she has her own reason for doing it.

Being a psychotherapist,if she persuvades people to come out of their shell and accept and admit that they are victims, if she hides the truth about herself behind her professional life, it seriously raises a question of INTEGRITY.

Let me go through the entire book, and come back to you, readers with what I have learned. Until them allow me to take sometime on this subject.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice post.. Waiting to hear more on the book.
//Interestingly, Author herself is a victim of the subject she dealing with. That makes, this book more special and interesting.// Generally, when a book is written, the person writes about something they are most comfortable & knowledgeable, thats why they say people can help writing about their own experiences in their book.
Take your time and do let us know more about the book.