Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Recent addi(c)tion !!!

Recently! I have found inundating desire to have a QUICK visit (quick?? , yes real quick, this is how it starts) to ORKUT and then from there to this newly born BLOG of mine ( I should start remembering my Blog address soon!) .

Like a PROUD father ( why am I proud?, what am I proud about? ),who come home early to have sometime spend with his baby(s), I visit and READ (Believe me!!!) each post on this BLOG atleast twice or thrice. It doesn't stop there, but pulls me even beyond ( Should I say pushes me? ) and makes me to have a SPECIAL look at the "COMMENTS" sections.

The very first question that pops in my mind is while having a look at comments section is, Is there any increase in the count on comments?. and if there is no increase obviously I could feel my heart sinking (Luckily ! there is no increase in count, God saved the world) . what a pity to an AUTHOR whose work has not been read by any?.

As an extension to these questions, there are few others which slowly creep in my mind are,

1. Is this how every author of Blog behaves or thinks or expects?

2. Why do one create a Blog?

3. Is it just to satisfy his/her desire for writing or otherwise?

4. Are we all wasting our time visiting others blogs or writing our own?.

5. what is the purpose of having a blog?.

6. Like any other commodity, Do I need to market my blog as well?.

Alas!! Yonder! I see none whom I can ask these questions...

NOTE : Write a suitable 'Moral of the story' line and win exciting prizes*!!!

P.S : Author feels happy about having atleast ONE visitor whom he knows frequenting this blog. Does it sound like riddle?. Oh! my dear! It is none other than the AUTHOR himself disguising as a reader frequents his own blog. This post is all about that.

* as usual, Conditions apply.


Reemus Kumar said...

No problem, this is obvious. It is just a curiosity to know whether someone is really reading our blog or not.

IMHO, I'm writing the blog for myself. It is just like talking to your future self. May be if I'm no more, my kid can look into it and see father's mind.

But, You will come over it after sometime. FYI, did you leave any comment on my blog ?

Unknown said...

Jake ! I m no thinker like you, but here are my thoughts about your questions. Hope you don't get offended...

1. Is this how every author of Blog behaves or thinks or expects?

<< Yes, every author goes through this selfsame torture. You are not an exception, so just get used to it :-)) >>

2. Why do one create a Blog?

<< To express may have an urge to write about certain things, to write in a certain way that they found in an another place, or in other situations, write about things we don't talk about in a normal day-to-day life. A journal is the way to go.

Even otherwise, imagine this - can we talk to someone in person, the same way we write something up in a blog or journal? It may not be possible entirely all the time ! >>

3. Is it just to satisfy his/her desire for writing or otherwise?

<< It could stem from that desire (which is not wrong in my opinion, and is totally appreciateable from my point of view). Keep expressing yourself...this is a record of what you thought and what you told the world about something at a particular point of time in your life...not everybody in this world is non-judgemental, you see :-) >>

4. Are we all wasting our time visiting others blogs or writing our own?.

<< In the light of my response to your previous question, I would not say you are wasting time. Can someone say you are wasting time by writing your personal gripes/desires in your own diary? NO !. As long as we are all aware of our priorities, this is/should not be considered a waste of time. Remember, the most wasted of the words are those that were not said in the first place - forget the negativity of this thought >>

5. what is the purpose of having a blog?.

<< See my response to your question 3 >>

6. Like any other commodity, Do I need to market my blog as well?.

<< If you wish to do that, there is no one stopping that. Usually it is advisable that you attach your blog's link at the end of your mails or in your signature - no harm in it. If you are referring to using it for commercial purposes, then the way we generate material for our blogs may require a quick revisit, and a better way to do that is to create/host our own website >>

Unknown said...

Jake ! I m no thinker like you, but here are my thoughts about your questions. Hope you don't get offended...

1. Is this how every author of Blog behaves or thinks or expects?

<< Yes, every author goes through this selfsame torture. You are not an exception, so just get used to it :-)) >>

2. Why do one create a Blog?

<< To express may have an urge to write about certain things, to write in a certain way that they found in an another place, or in other situations, write about things we don't talk about in a normal day-to-day life. A journal is the way to go.

Even otherwise, imagine this - can we talk to someone in person, the same way we write something up in a blog or journal? It may not be possible entirely all the time ! >>

3. Is it just to satisfy his/her desire for writing or otherwise?

<< It could stem from that desire (which is not wrong in my opinion, and is totally appreciateable from my point of view). Keep expressing yourself...this is a record of what you thought and what you told the world about something at a particular point of time in your life...not everybody in this world is non-judgemental, you see :-) >>

4. Are we all wasting our time visiting others blogs or writing our own?.

<< In the light of my response to your previous question, I would not say you are wasting time. Can someone say you are wasting time by writing your personal gripes/desires in your own diary? NO !. As long as we are all aware of our priorities, this is/should not be considered a waste of time. Remember, the most wasted of the words are those that were not said in the first place - forget the negativity of this thought >>

5. what is the purpose of having a blog?.

<< See my response to your question 3 >>

6. Like any other commodity, Do I need to market my blog as well?.

<< If you wish to do that, there is no one stopping that. Usually it is advisable that you attach your blog's link at the end of your mails or in your signature - no harm in it. If you are referring to using it for commercial purposes, then the way we generate material for our blogs may require a quick revisit, and a better way to do that is to create/host our own website >>