Thursday, April 30, 2009

Condom Song

Meeting you after long time!!!


Sorry to have missed you for long time.

Reason for not having regularly posting any new item here is because of on-going genocidal war in Eelam.

I was very much depressed and numbed by keeping hearing news about it and constantly exposed to all types of pictures and video clips that passed through me.

Moreover, I have two of my aunts trapped over there, who had been evacuated last month by ICRC ship. I talked to both of my aunts two weeks back.

I was really depressed not only because of seeing the atrocities of Lankan army, but also the silence maintained by IC and the double standard by UN.

I can surely say that its not my sentiment that was hurt but my conscience. I really felt being left alone.

All the humanitarian activities, human rights, etc etc really looked as a farce on humanity. I finally have understood "darwinian theory", which is being proved right repeatedly.

And political dramas that had been unwound by many in Tamilnadu also very depressing. Finally a voice has come from an unexpected quarter, and has got all the accolades from almost all Tamils, hopefully, whatever is promised is attained.